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Storage ideas for your music room

Storage ideas for your music room
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Tips for keeping your instruments and music organised

Having lots of talent and dedication for your music can mean that it takes a lot of space in your home. If you’re trying to find places to put your instruments, amps and vinyl records, take a look at our tips on storing them in your music room.

1.       Guitar hooks on the wall

Guitars are expensive instruments, so you don’t want them lying on the floor to be knocked around. Place hooks on the wall so you can store them vertically and off the ground. This way you can proudly show off your collection without the risk of scratches and dents.

2.       Untangle your wires

Do you have one of those drawers where you throw all of your cables and wires? Does it take forever to find the one you want? Untangling wires can be a nightmare so keep them separated by using Velcro, string or twist ties. You can even label each wire so you can find the one you need quickly.

3.       Turn cupboards into amp storage

Try out some DIY on your cupboards to store your amps. Take off the doors and make some holes in the back for the wires. Beside cabinets are very useful, especially if they have wheels so you can transport your heavy equipment easily.

4.       Place your keyboard on a sliding shelf

If you don’t have quite enough room for your electronic keyboard, a good space-saving hack is to place it on a sliding shelf under your computer desk where you would normally place a normal computer keyboard. You can then easily plug it in to your computer for recording purposes.

5.       Display your vinyl records on the wall

Move your records up onto the walls to make more room for your piano or drum kit on the floor. Vinyl artwork makes for great decoration so try getting some racks or shelves to display them. Have a look at Rolling Stone Magazine’s ideas for putting records up on your wall.

6.       Place your musical stuff into storage

While you’re re-organising your music room, you can place your instruments, music and furniture into storage to keep it safe and out of the way. However, be careful with heavy instruments and equipment such as a piano. If you need to store a large piano, have a look at our article on moving and storing pianos for safe tips.

When putting your stuff in storage you will need to insure it. Contents insurance will cover any item in your home (clothes, furniture, instruments etc) and you will need to check that your insurance will cover them in storage. If your contents insurance does not cover your items while in storage, you can turn to us at Store and Insure – get a quote today!

More space for making music

Keeping your music room tidy means more space to fill with your songs, scores and jam sessions.