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Do you really need a bigger house?

Do you really need a bigger house?
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Should I extend or move to get more space?

In late-stage capitalism, outgrowing your home because of an accumulation of possessions is almost a milestone. But there appears to be no painless way of resolving a home that is bursting at the seams. Whatever you try, it’s going to take an effort, both physical and mental. But there are plenty of ways to deal with an over-filled home, and choosing one that best suits you will make the task much easier. Let’s look at the different ways of approaching a home with too many possessions.

You have two courses of action if your home is too full of domestic goods:

  1. Increase your space
  2. Decrease the space your possessions take up

It’s likely that the best approach is a combination of the two.

How do I increase the space in my home?

One way of increasing your living space is to move into a larger house. Another way is to extend your home. These are both quite radical solutions, however, and costly.

It’s possible to improve storage by making smaller changes like building more shelving or using voids. You might also consider boarding a loft so it can be used on a regular basis or improving an outbuilding to give secure, dry storage space.

Another way to get more space at home is to use self-storage. Storage outside the home is a particularly good option for domestic goods that you only use for part of the year. Using a storage company does come with a monthly cost – but you may find it’s cheaper by the month than upgrading to a larger home. If you want to know how much storage costs monthly, we’ve got a blogpost to help!

How do I decrease the space my possessions take up in my home?

Decreasing the space taken up by domestic goods in the home needs a dual approach.

The first step is to declutter. That means getting rid of possessions that no longer serve you. There are many approaches to this, and it’s worth researching a few until you find one that appeals. Some people can do this alone; others need help from a supportive friend, or a qualified decluttering coach. We recommend using APDO to find a domestic organising professional.

Once you’ve decluttered, you can start to organise your home so that it works better for you. You may want to consider buying new storage solutions, or making changes to your home, such as installing shelves.

Maintaining your space at home

Sorry to say it, but the process of keeping your possessions and your space aligned does not end when your seasonal goods are in storage, your extension is complete and your cupboards are tidily stacked with innovative storage solutions.

A good decluttering coach will remind you that you need to maintain the possessions-space balance in a way that is comfortable for you. For example, they may recommend that you make decluttering part of your regular housework routine. Or they might recommend taking a moment to consider what goods you are bringing into your home.

You don’t have to move house to get more space

It’s up to you to decide whether the effort and disruption of moving house are worth the benefits – but it’s certainly worth examining other options before you start looking for a new property.


Question and Answer


How do I get help with moving my goods into storage?

Ask at your storage company if they can recommend a removals company. Some storage centres offer their own removals service, but it’s a good idea to get a few quotes to make sure you’re getting best value.


What are some examples of seasonal possessions?

Seasonal possessions are domestic goods that you don’t use all year round. An example might be warm winter clothing and thermal bedding, which you will not use during the summer months. Another example might be a barbecue and garden furniture that you only use during the summer but not so much in the winter. During the off-season you can put these things into storage so they are not cluttering up your home.