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Prepare your house for a New Year’s Eve party

Decorative: a table laid for a festive party.
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Make the most of the space at your New Year’s party

For some New Year’s Eve is the party night of the year – a time to glam up and catch up with friends. A house party is a great opportunity to socialise with friends old and new and show off your hosting skills. Start by getting the space right, and the good times will follow!

Make more space for dancing and socialising by using external storage

Putting some pieces of furniture into storage will help you to adapt your house for your party so guests have room to socialise and dance. Encouraging people to stay on their feet by moving the sofa out will add extra energy to your event, and give you a bit more space.

Spaces to sit and stand at a New Year’s Eve party

Think about what will happen at your party: is it a sit-down meal, or drinks? Will people expect to dance? How many of your guests are comfortable standing for long periods? These questions will help you decide how much seating you need for your party.

Keep fragile ornaments and artwork safe by storing them during your party

Of course a party is a chance to show off prestige objects like paintings and sculpture, but these will have more impact if you declutter before the party. Furthermore, an uncluttered space is much easier to clean before and after the party.

You can also reduce the chances of accidental damage to valuable carpets or ornaments by moving them out of your party space. You might also want to put away exercise equipment and musical instruments into a storage unit to prevent misuse by over-refreshed guests.

Some hosts put everything they want out of the way in a locked bedroom. But if you have self-storage, why not box everything up and keep it there until you’re ready to put your house back together. That way you’ll have all the more spare beds for people who end up staying the night. Many storage companies will charge you by the day, and when you buy self-storage insurance coverage from Store and Insure, you’ll only pay for the days you are storing your goods.

Ideas for party lighting

The lighting that is suitable for watching TV or for everyday tasks may not be quite right for creating a party mood. This is particularly the case if you have bright overhead lights. You could move lamps from other parts of your home, or hire or borrow suitable lighting for a party. String lights can be remarkable effective at giving the gentle lighting that party-goers enjoy.

You might be tempted to bring out the candles, but whether this is a good idea will depend on your crowd of friends. There are some people who are just not safe around open flames! Always ensure that candles are on safe, stable surfaces. Particularly watch out for guests in drapey clothing standing over candles placed on the floor.

Visit Fresh Designs for more party lighting ideas.

Is my furniture covered by contents insurance during a party?

It’s important to find out exactly what is covered under your contents insurance, and whether this includes damage caused by party guests. Most contents insurance policies will cover normal domestic use, which should include a little socialising. But if you’ve got something really wild planned for New Year’s Eve, do check with your insurance provider to see if you need to get specialist cover.

Your self-storage insurance will cover your stored goods – but don’t forget to let your insurer know if you’re changing your inventory.

And with that – we’d like to wish you a happy new year.


Question and Answer


Can I keep electrical goods in my storage unit?

It’s normal to store electrical goods, including domestic appliances in your storage unit. As a rule, storage companies will not allow you to store electrical goods that are running. For example, you can’t plug in your refrigerator in your storage unit.