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Some self Storage companies will not accept your insurance !

We hear this sometimes from potential customers as a number of self storage companies will not allow their customers to purchase any other insurance policy apart from their own. They will use some nebulous excuse but, in essence, they are going against the rules and regulations of the Financial Conduct Authority.

We hear this sometimes from potential customers as a number of self storage companies will not allow their customers to purchase any other insurance policy apart from their own. They will use some nebulous excuse but, in essence, they are going against the rules and regulations of the Financial Conduct Authority.

The whole rationale behind this is so the self storage company to maximise their profits by charging customers up to twice the premium than which is readily available elsewhere from independent self-storage providers such as ourselves. We are of the opinion this may contavene UK law and smacks of protectionism and is anti-competitive. Two issues we know the FCA take very seriously

Watch this space !!!