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What’s the best way to vacuum pack bedding?

A bed made up with bedding, duvet and pillow.
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Save space when packing duvets, pillows and bedding sets

Vacuum packing can save you miraculous amounts of space when you store bulky textiles and cushions. You place them into a tough plastic bag and use your domestic vacuum cleaner to suck out the air.

Vacuum packed bedding is safe from damp and odours, and it can be slipped into a small storage space, too. When you are ready to use your bedding again, open the bag and shake your duvet and pillows back into shape.

Can I vacuum pack my duvet?

You can safely vacuum pack a hollow-fibre duvet. But it is not a good idea to vacuum pack down or feather bedding sets. Vacuum packing can break the quills of the feathers used to stuff your bedding which reduces the effectiveness of your pillow. And it can make down clump together, leaving you with a lumpy pillow or duvet. If you really do need to vacuum pack feather or down bedding for space reasons, partially compress the bags, rather than fully compressing them. But this may be one of those cases where it is more efficient to pay for extra storage space outside the home, particularly if you have a high-end feather duvet.

Your stored feather duvet will be covered by your self-storage insurance – but do make sure you update your coverage so that it takes into account the replacement value. Get in touch today if the value of your stored goods has changed recently.

Clean your bedding before packing

Make sure your bedding set is clean and dry before you pack it. Some types of bedding must be professionally cleaned; others can be put in the washing machine. You may feel comfortable just spot cleaning and airing your bedding to freshen it up before storing. Either way, it needs to be completely dry before you put it away. Storing damp bedding will encourage mould and your bedding will smell musty when you unpack it.

How to air a duvet

It’s a good idea to air your bedding every so often, but in particular before and after storage. To air a duvet, hang it up outside or near an open window. Direct sunlight can see off bacteria and viruses, so it makes sense to do this in the middle of the day. Avoid leaving your bedding on the line over night as changes in temperature can make your bedding damp. And definitely bring it in if it starts to rain. If you don’t have access to an outdoor space, then a spin in the tumble drier on low might be appropriate for your bedding. Some people like to add a couple of tennis balls to help fluff up the filling. But check the label on your duvet first to ensure it is safe to put it in the tumble drier.

Once you are ready to make up your bed, give your bedding a good shake to plump it up. This will redistribute the filling and introduce air to bring your duvet up to full efficiency.

How do I save money by vacuum packing my bedding?

Vacuum packing allows you to get more bulky items into a smaller space by using your vacuum cleaner to suck the air out. With self-storage, space is money, so anything you can do to reduce the volume of your stored goods will save you money. Vacuum bags are pricy, however. A canny Instructables user recommends experimenting with vacuum packing drawstring bin bags.

Bedding can also be used as packing material to pad items like screens and mirrors. So rather than buying bubble wrap, use what you already have as packing material. For more about finding cheap packing materials, see our blogpost.

Do you save storage space and money by vacuum packing hollow-fibre duvets and bedding sets?