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De-clutter your kitchen

De-clutter your kitchen
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Operations - Store and Insure

Making more space for cooking and baking

How long is it since you’ve looked at the back of all your kitchen cupboards and drawers? You may find them overcrowded with gadgets and appliances that you haven’t used in a long time or that no longer work. Kitchens can be easy places to clutter but you can easily clear space with these tips…

1.       Clear out and clean every space in your kitchen

A good first step is to take out everything in your kitchen and place it in a pile. This way you can see all the items you own and can properly clean your cupboards, shelves and surfaces from grime and dust.

2.       Remove non-kitchen related items

Kitchens can be busy communal spaces, especially if you live with lots of people. Things can often be left in kitchens that shouldn’t be there – homework, sports equipment, crafts, bills etc. Move these items out of the kitchen and into their appropriate room or cupboard so you are left with the kitchen essentials.

3.       Downsize your tableware

Only keep the number of plates, bowls, mugs, cutlery and glasses that are needed for the members of your household, plus a few extra. The rest can be stored and brought back when needed.

4.       Sort items by regular usage

We all have those Christmas presents that haven’t been used since the day we were given them. It’s time to get rid of those gadgets that are rarely picked up to make space for the stuff you use every day. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding whether you need an item or not:

  • Do I use this?
  • Do I already have this item?
  • Would I buy this today?
  • Does this item help me in the kitchen?

The items and appliances you decide to get rid of can be sold second hand, given to charity, or placed in a storage unit until you find a new place to put them. Read our article on how to store kitchen appliances in storage for more help if you are considering using a unit.

One question you may have about storage units is whether they check credit. They may do, but most providers probably won’t. However, if you run into trouble paying then talk to the storage company sooner rather than later. Also, make sure to insure the stuff that you put into storage to keep them safe. At Store and Insure, we offer competitive prices that could save you money so get a quote from us today!

5.       Re-design your kitchen for more space and less clutter

Now that all of your kitchenware is out of the way, you can design and organise your space to better fit your items. Install more shelves on the walls or use boxes and racks in cupboards so that all of your appliances are clearly displayed. Check out IKEA’s great ideas for smarter kitchen storage and look at the space you can save.

A five-star kitchen

Less clutter in the kitchen means more space for delicious food and that’s always a good incentive for a clear out!