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How to charge phones and tablets efficiently

How to charge phones and tablets efficiently
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Strategies for efficient phone charging in your home

In today's tech-driven world, our lives are fuelled by a constant flow of electricity, feeding our smartphones, laptops, and other devices. The convenience of instant connection is undeniable; but increasing energy bills and a move towards sustainability might make you think twice about how you charge your devices. Did you know there are appliance switches that can save you energy by improving the efficiency of your device charging?

Unplug idle devices

Idle devices continue to sip energy even when seemingly off. Laptops left on stand-by and phone chargers plugged in without a phone can all use energy. Train yourself to unplug chargers when not in use, and turn off electronics, rather than using standby.

Harness the power of smart plugs

Smart plugs allow you to remotely control the flow of electricity. Plug your charger into a smart plug, and you can schedule it to automatically turn off once your device is fully charged. This eliminates the "vampire drain", in which a device continues to draw on the power supply even once it is fully charged.

Pro tip: pair a smart plug with a smart speaker, and use voice commands to say ‘Goodnight, tech!’ for an automated power down.

PC Mag has some advice for picking the best smart plugs.

Use the right cables and chargers for your device

We’ve all seen the warnings about the dangers of off-label chargers. High-quality, certified cables ensure efficient power transfer and will protect your devices. Cheap cables can be poorly insulated, leading to energy loss and overheating. Mismatched chargers can deliver the wrong voltage or amperage, impacting efficiency and even harming your device.

Look after your devices

Take good care of the accessories that come with your device. If you need to replace them, or if you need a longer cable or second charger, buy the right ones, or at least buy a reliable, well-known brand. Opt for chargers designed specifically for your device.

It can help to have a dedicated charging spot in your home. If you already have one, but if it’s a tangled mess of cables and obsolete chargers, it may be overdue a declutter. It’s fairly normal in this day and age to have a bag of cables and chargers that you aren’t prepared to get rid of… yet – but don’t let it take up space in your home that you need for living in. Items that you don’t need now but might want one day are ideal candidates for self-storage, and will be covered by your self-storage insurance.

What about wireless charging?

Wireless charging pads are convenient, but they can be less efficient than wired connections. The same goes for portable power banks. Consider using them for quick top-ups only, rather than as your main charger.

When the time comes to replace your devices…

When it's time to upgrade, prioritise energy-efficient models, and companies with a track record of caring about sustainability. Technology changes rapidly, so there may be innovations that will make it easier for you to charge your device efficiently. Having said that, some tech advancements on modern phones are not very well understood, and because they are so new it’s difficult to say if they actually help as much as the manufacturer promises.

Small changes make a big difference

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your home into a charging oasis of efficiency. So, plug in, power up, and lead the charge towards a more sustainable and energy-conscious future!


Question and Answer


Can I keep electrical goods in my storage unit?

It’s normal to store electrical goods, including domestic appliances in your storage unit. As a rule, storage companies will not allow you to store electrical goods that are running. For example, you can’t plug in your refrigerator in your storage unit.


Do I need self storage insurance whilst storing my goods ?

We strongly recommend you purchase insurance whilst your goods are at the self storage facility. In fact, many self storage facilities will not allow you to store your goods unless they are insured.