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How to do an end-of-tenancy clean

How to do an end-of-tenancy clean
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Operations - Store and Insure

Worried about getting your deposit back when moving out of a rental? Here are some tips for your end-of-tenancy clean

Leaving your rented property clean at the end of your tenancy is a good idea if you want to get your deposit back. But how clean does your rented accommodation have to be when you leave?

Our first piece of advice is not to leave your end-of-tenancy cleaning until the last minute. It’s likely that you’ll be moving into your new home on the same day you are moving out of your rented accommodation. Quite naturally, your focus will be on the new place, rather than the old. By doing your end of tenancy cleaning early on, you’ll be free to focus on that task.

Read your tenancy agreement and check-in checklist

As you start to move out of your rented home, make plans for leaving the property in an acceptable state. Your tenancy agreement states how the house should be left at the end of the tenancy, and it’s worth reading that in advance. It will tell you how far you need to go in your cleaning. You can also talk to the agent and landlord. If they are already paying for a professional cleaner, or the place is being gutted and renovated, you probably don’t need to do a detailed clean before moving out.

If you decide to get a professional cleaner in yourself, book them in plenty of time to ensure you get the time and day of your choice. Check out our post about getting the most from your cleaner for more information about getting ready for a professional clean.

Repair your rented accommodation before moving out

Get any repairs to your rental done in plenty of time – you don’t want to be hanging around on moving day hoping that a tradie will turn up when they said they would.

Empty cupboards before moving out of a rented house

Remove everything from cupboards before you move out of your rental. Your landlord will probably charge you to remove these items that you don’t want.

Clean the appliances that came with your rented accommodation

The fridge, dishwasher and oven should all be clean when you leave your rented apartment, otherwise the landlord or agent will charge you for this.

Getting carpets clean at end of tenancy

Start by vacuuming your carpets a few weeks before your move and checking for stains. You could treat these yourself following stain advice from Carpetright. But some carpet stains need professional attention, and you will have to book this in advance. You’ll want to give your carpets another vacuuming after the movers have finished – this task is much easier with all the furniture out of the way, and it will take care of any dust and mud that was tracked in during the move.

End of tenancy bathroom clean

Tenancy agreements sometimes have clauses about mould and limescale, but often real life gets in the way… Treat mould using a specialist mould remover, and limescale with a product designed for that task. There are plenty of hints and tips and hacks for using these products. A professional cleaner could also advise.

Should I clean my windows at end of tenancy?

Windows will need to be cleaned inside and out when you move out. You may need the services of a window cleaner to get the highest windows. Book your window cleaner in advance of your move to avoid disappointment. Curtains may also need cleaning. Give venetian blinds and shutters a thorough dusting in your end-of-tenancy clean.

How should I leave the garden at the end of my tenancy?

Your checklist should have some information about the expected state of your garden. Clear away any rubbish, mow the lawn and tidy any beds and pots.

How can I make the end of tenancy clean easier on myself?

If at all possible, try to do your end of tenancy clean after you have moved all your things out as it is much easier to clean an empty (or nearly empty) property. But this may not be possible because of tenancy start dates for your new home. You could put your domestic goods into storage while you do the end-of-tenancy clean: you can rent storage units for a few days or weeks, and it is quite common for people to do this when they are between rented homes. If you get your self-storage insurance with Store and Insure, we will happily insure your stored domestic goods for as many days as you want to keep them in storage. Get a quick quote to see if we can offer better value than your current insurer.



Question and Answer


Do I need self storage insurance whilst storing my goods ?

We strongly recommend you purchase insurance whilst your goods are at the self storage facility. In fact, many self storage facilities will not allow you to store your goods unless they are insured.


Does my home insurance contents insurance cover items in storage?

Some home contents insurance policies will include items stored off-site. But you should check the wording of your policy or talk with your insurance broker to see if this is the case for you. Insuring domestic goods kept in a storage unit is inexpensive with Store and Insure, and our policy has several beneficial features for people who use storage units. For example, your goods will be insured while you are transferring them in a covered vehicle between your home and your storage unit and back again.