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Storage Insurance

Customer frustration grows towards self storage companies...

Several major self storage companies continue to frustrate customers by insisting they purchase self storage insurance through themselves rather than from an independent provider such as ourselves where the cover is wider and far more competitively priced.


storage insurance Self Storage Association have a recognised operating standard

The Self Storage Association have a recognised operating standard to which all their members have to meet certain criteria in able to use the Self Storage Association logo .


Continued Expansion - Self storage market is on the up!

According to recent figures released by the Self Storage Association the number of new start up self storage companies is at an all time high.


Some self Storage companies will not accept your insurance !

We hear this sometimes from potential customers as a number of self storage companies will not allow their customers to purchase any other insurance policy apart from their own. They will use some nebulous excuse but, in essence, they are going against the rules and regulations of the Financial Conduct Authority.